Saturday, June 26, 2010

University of the Pacific Campus, Stockton, CA

Last year, the University of the Pacific asked me to teach an education graduate course in Shanghai, China. What an opportunity! Professor Oprandy will be teaching classes during the same time period as myself. Professor Michael Elium and his wife will be there following us. The Shanghai students consist of teachers and principals working on their Masters Degree(s). I'm looking forward to learning about the Chinese culture and developing new friendships in China. But, I am going to miss my family very much...

So, this blog is dedicated to my adventures and travels to Shanghai in the spirit of learning. I will do my best to blob at least once a day, and hope that others will join me. My son, Seren, and his All Star baseball team just finished their first game, so afterwards my wife, son and I went to UOP to take some pictures before my departure tomorrow - that's why we are wearing the same t-shirts. This picture is the first (hopefully of many along the way) before I leave tomorrow morning on the first leg of my trip. All of my teaching materials are ready, and I'm looking forward to tomorrow!

